
Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Having quit my job, my days and my life are wide open. I have the freedom to spend my time as I choose and accomplish what I will. I realized this morning how very artificial my world has been for these last three and a half years. I have spent my days sleeping or trying to sleep, my evenings pushing through what tasks I could and then getting ready to go back to work. Over and over, again. I took days off occasionally just to complete projects or take a break for decent sleep.

I must confess that I love to shop. I am much better since I started looking at living with less and because my measure of an item's worth was against my having to keep working. Those things however did not relieve me of the desire to shop. I keep very detailed list of what I desire. I apply in-depth scientific research into the product with rigid cost analysis. Then I wait, and look around, and think. Thankfully I have a good handle on delayed gratification and can wait out the strongest impulse. If the item is gone when I get back, so be it. Yes, there is some sadness that I didn't act, but I have a list. Something else will attract my attention.

We are preparing for the holiday season and I am not sure how I will show up. I have never been big on getting or giving gifts (something that was worked out of me as a child). But as I said, I love to shop and what better reason than to give to others. Since I am living without an income, I am rethinking everything around how I spend money and so, how I will be giving gifts this season. My daughter joked that I gift socks and lip balm. Very true, but the very nicest of both.

Today while shopping I kept in mine that I am spending my inheritance/my investment, and until cash falls from the money tree my patterns of delay will serve me well when it comes to spending. The dish I am carrying to both Thanksgiving dinners cost very little to prepare meaning I can spend the remaining budget on alcoholic refreshments.

Happy holidays to each of you. Enjoy every moment.

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I'm still sorting things out. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts.