
Monday, January 9, 2012

Learn Something New Everyday

Almost two weeks ago, I turned off my computer in an effort to save energy. Previously, I rarely turned it off. Usually it runs night and day so I can access information at the speed of my thoughts. But I thought I would try out the shutdown at night and reboot at daylight - hibernate in between. On Monday, two weeks ago, I shut down my computer and when Tuesday morning came all I had was an amber light. The amber light would not go away no matter how many times I pressed the power button. I cut off the power surge strip. Then I waited. Had some coffee. Paced a bit. A gentle freak out. Exhale.

I turned the power strip back on and powered up the computer. Yea! We were in business, for about five minutes. Then the screen went blank and the amber light blinked at me. I repeated the process. Repeatedly. Finally there were three beeps, then the amber light.

A visit to the library and search though Google confirmed that the power supply was out. You can actually look up beep codes for your computer. When it can't communicate with you through the screen it sends a message in beeps. More exhaling...

After more research I found and ordered a power supply. In the meantime I have read articles and watched videos on how to replace the power supply. I actually found a rating that said it was easy. Today I am working again on my desktop and delighted to tell you I learned a new skill. I had some challenging moments but thankfully other people have had them already and posted both the questions and answers.

I'm still not clear about where I'm going but today was wonderfully full, delightful and productive. I completed an overdue task, worked out (upper body), practiced yoga, found a great deal on Topsy Turvy planters ($1) and my favorite crackers - All Bran (5g fiber - no inulin). It was sunny out and I stopped to take photos downtown.

Next, I plan to make yogurt in my crock pot. Stay tuned!

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I'm still sorting things out. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts.